About Our Charity
The Pink Shield Charitable Foundation is founded to carry on the objectives and purposes listed below. The purposes and objectives of the foundation is funded by donations solely from Groupe Haus Inc. and Internally.
Purposes/Objectives (Article 2)
- To advance education by organizing public debates and speeches for school children;
- To relieve poverty by providing subsidies and/or equipment to children of low-income families so that they can participate in sport activities in their community
- To meet the needs of low-income persons by providing them with housing and any associated amenities upon terms appropriate to their means; and
- To do all things incidental and ancillary to the attainment of the above charitable purpose
- Additional purposes/objectives are coming very soon
The Pink Shields should be seen, intend and be known to be present to help, to do good and share love to others especially those that are underprivileged and vulnerable irrespective of their creed, race, sex, religion, or political affiliation. The main strategy is through love, compassion, poverty alleviation and eradication (Hebrews 13:16; James 1:26-27)
The Pink Shield Charitable Foundation or The Pink Shields formerly known as Ademola Usuanlele Charitable Foundation is a charity funded by anonymous donors, Ademola Usuanlele and Groupe St. Claus Ti Incorporee. The Pink Shield Charitable Foundation is to continue officially to give back to the community especially the less privileged and vulnerable people amongst us especially children and women, the homeless and widows and orphans. I am from a family that has been involved in charity formally and informally for more than four generations. Informally we have helped others in various ways outside objectives and purposes because of that we have requested for an expansion of objectives and include international destinations.
We do as much charity work formally and informally as much as resources can cover. We have it on record the Charity Directorate that we will do yearly only what our resources can accommodate with no external pressure. The need out there is great. As a Christian charity, we do not advertise our activities
The Annual Princesses and Prince's Competition will climax on June 12. It will include reading, writing and performance intra and inter inner city children that will give many of them opportunity to partake in an annual free competition that allow them to bring out their inner potentials in a safe and secure environment and win the confidence of their peers before going with full confidence to compete in a friendly environment against peers from other schools with similar background of low income and public school and inner city. The materials and program are designed to open the minds of the children and teachers to explore opportunities to improve continuously their standards and the children will desire to do more giving them a great shot at mastering the art and science of success in every situation.
They will include equal number of boys and girls in grades 3 and 4 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with plans to expand across North America and primary 5 and 6 in Nigeria and Ghana with plans to expand across the continent as we gain traction and afford cost of taking it across the continent and globally. There are written tests, verbal, and summary of prearranged sections of the book: The Adventures of Princess Pauline, Prince Ademola Jnr, and their Blue Dragon. There is prearranged performance arts and watered-down tests in philosophy and psychology in non-invasive manner.
We will devise mechanism to continuous adjust the program until we get the best fit by using feedback from the teachers and students and possibly organizations like yours to recommend books and resources that will enable get the optimum impact on the students. We will only get by rolling up our sleeves and getting this ball rolling.
Important note here is that the teachers and staff of the participating schools will oversee their students throughout the competitions, and they will grade the marks for their students without favours or bias.
Our Simple Plan in a simplistic term; is using our Advanced Strategic Management tools to create Transformational Changes which leads to Manpower and Leadership Development while maintaining Social Responsibility Guidelines (ISO 26000).
The Pink Shield Charitable Foundation has been registered with the Canadian Government since March 21, 2012 as an official Charitable Organization of Canada.